Another Summary – A.k.a. I am a delinquent blogger
Since clearly I’m way too busy to actually write all those blog postings I said I was going to write, here’s an even shorter summary of what I’ve been doing since my last summary:
- Monday was a (mercifully) low key day, after all the crazy busy-ness of the first several days of my trip. I got to walk my niece to school – late, as she slept in, which she apparently *never* does. Clearly I am Bad Influence Aunt. We did, however, learn the sign in procedure for being late at her school. After that I came back to the house to hang out with Nancy, Jeff & my nephew. And also to work on my guest lecture for Dan’s class.
- I made “chicken” pot pie ((Or, as my friend Jody has no dubbed it, “brave pot pie.”)) for dinner and then we went to Ed’s Real Scoop for some freaking delicious ice cream.
- Then Nancy, Thomas and I headed off to Guelph. Since Dan’s class starts at 9 a.m., we figured it made more sense to head there the night before rather than try to fight morning traffic. Nancy and the baby stayed at her in-laws and I stayed at Dan’s. We may or may not have stayed up until 12:30 a.m. chatting and working. And he may or may not have introduced me to coconut milk ice cream.
- Tuesday was a day spent in Guelph. Dan & I rocked his class, with my Prezi awesomeness and his stats-y genius. After that we went for lunch at the Grad Lounge ((Spicy tofu tacos and beer for me, pork tacos and beer for Dan.)), then meandered around campus – where I haven’t been since I finished my Masters there in August 2000! Then suddenly it was suddenly the end of the day. We took a grand total of 0 photos, despite our best laid plans of taking planking and jump shots. We were clearly too exhausted from being awesome all day to arrange photo shoots.
- Next it was off to my sister’s in laws for dinner. Dinner of amazing deliciousness – homemade spring rolls, baked potato, deviled eggs, a huge salad, and steak for the meat-consumers. Followed by banana splits! For those of you counting, that was my third ice cream in a 24 hour period!
- Then it was back to Toronto in time to tuck my wee niece into bed!
- And now I’m writing this blog posting! Go me!
Plans for the rest of my trip include:
- Wednesday = Kalev Day
- Thursday = morning with my mom, Aunt Eileen ((Who are both retired and thus can meet for breakfast on a weekday morning!)), evening = a belated birthday dinner for my dad.
- Friday = my last day in Toronto!
Comments |4|
Category: awesomeness | family | friends | Teaching & Learning | travel
Tags: book learnin', family, friends, Guelph, Ontario, people who are cool enough to invite me to visit them, Toronto, travel
Tags: book learnin', family, friends, Guelph, Ontario, people who are cool enough to invite me to visit them, Toronto, travel
How did we forget to take photos?
I don’t know! Clearly, this was an enormous oversight!
Sleep. It’s for the weak. (I say this as someone who recently realized that she hasn’t slept more than 5 hours in a row in over a year. YUCK).
Am so glad that you’re having fun. Enjoy Kalev day.
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