Don’t panic!

Tonight I was back at Bootcamp after a week off due to my holidays. You know what’s a terrible idea? Taking a week off from Bootcamp. In addition to the fact that every single muscle fiber in my body is now screaming in pain, it’s really starting to hit home how very close the start of the Longest Game Hockey for CF is! One of my fellow teammates mentioned that when she went to open up some yogurt today, she noticed that the yogurt expires on September 9. September 9, of course, is AFTER the end of the Longest Game! That’s how close the game is! The game is less than the lifecycle of a yogurt away!

DON’T PANIC! Deep breaths. We can do this.

In related news, check out the awesomeness that is the car of Val Skelly, our fearless leader in this crazy ten-day long hockey game:


In other related news, a coworker of mine passed along a link to a blog to me today. It’s written by someone she knows who has Cystic Fibrosis and who received a double lung transplant last year, so that he can now live life to the fullest!

This is why we’re playing this game. People living with cystic fibrosis need our help, because researchers need money to continue to do the really important work that they do to help find a cure. We’re still looking for volunteers, donations (of course), and even a couple of players. Whatever you help, we’ll take it!

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