May Health Challenge – An Early Update!

Hey, remember that time I started doing the May Health Challenge? Well, I’m on day 5 of 30 and so far, so good! I’ve eaten something for breakfast every single day ((Not necessarily the *most* healthy breakfast every day, but nothing too terrible.)) and I’ve done some form of physical activity (in addition to my regular walking to the store/taking the stairs instead of the elevator when I can ((The stairs in my building are locked up like it’s freaking Fort Knox, so I can only take the stairs from my parking garage level to the main lobby. So annoying, because I would really like to be able to walk up the 6 flights of stairs to get to my place every day instead of taking the elevator!))) every day. And just for good measure, I’m eating celery sticks as I write this!

Now, because anything worth doing is worth putting in a spreadsheet ((Note to Dr. Dan: “Anything worth doing is worth putting in a spreadsheet” totally needs to go on a shirt)), and because it makes me feel more accountable to be reporting out on, I give you this link to my spreadsheet where I’m tracking this stuff: May Health Challenge spreadsheet.

Also, since it’s only 5 days in and I’m struggling to come up with creative ideas for physical activity on days when I don’t have time to go out and run 5 km or go for a bike ride – and because the equipment in the exercise room in my building inexplicably has been pushed to one side and covered in plastic (as if they are going to renovate the room, but there’s been no notice put up about what’s going on) – I came up with the brilliant idea that I should resurrect my goal of doing the 200 sit up program  ((As I’m already doing pushups as my anti-procrastination mechanism))! I could have sworn this was on my list of 101 things to do in 1001 days, and I was all prepared to be all “look at me, I’m killing two birds with one stone ((where “May Health Challenge” and “knocking an item off my 101 list” = the two birds)), but I just checked that list and it isn’t there. At any rate, I just downloaded the “200 situps” iPhone app, so that pretty much guarantees that I’ll do it, right?

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