Would I Ever Go Back To Being A Vegetarian?

This is one of the suggestions for a blog posting and my answer to it is “I don’t think so.” Since becoming unvegetarian, I’ve enjoyed experimenting with trying (and cooking!) different meals that I hadn’t ever had before, as well as eating a few things that I remember enjoying in my pre-vegetarian days ((See: Mini Wheats, marshmallows, Montreal smoked meat sandwiches, and, of course, bacon (which I’m actually cooking right now for breakfast!) )). I’ve found that I quite like spicy tuna and salmon sushi, scallops, and lamb, but I still don’t like most shellfish ((See: lobster, shrimp, which I remember not liking before I became a vegetarian. Haven’t yet tried oysters, but I’d like to.)). I still eat vegetarian meals quite often and when I do eat meat, I try to get non-factory farmed type stuff. I haven’t eaten a McDonald’s burger since become unveg, and I don’t intend to.

So, I’m pretty sure I’m going to stick with my unvegetarian ways, but I guess only time will tell!

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