
dreams and wishes. 62/365Last night I had a dream that I was running a half marathon on the Simon Fraser University campus. A spectator yelled that I was doing great and I looked at my running watch and saw that I’d been running for 1 hr and 45 mins and I was only at 12 kilometres… “Doing great?” I thought, “That’s terrible! I’m so slow!” But then I realized that my watch was showing my distance in miles, not kilometres. 12 miles. I only had 1 mile to go and as long as I could run it in less than 15 minutes, I would achieve my elusive goal of running a sub-2 hour half marathon! I finished that last mile and felt triumphant as I crossed the finish line… only to look down and see that I had no race bib and no timing chip. I wasn’t registered for this race and so there would be no official record of my sub-2 hour half marathon. So deflating!

I take this dream to mean:

Image Credit: Posted by Nicole Pierce on Flickr with a Creative Commons license.

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