My First Tank o’ Gas

So, I fill up my tank with gas for the first time yesterday! And, because I’m a nerd, I’m going to be keeping a spreadsheet to track my fuel economy.  Here’s what the numbers look like:

  • Distance driven:   414 km1
  • Volume of gas at fill-up: 26.1 L
  • Cost of fill-up: $30.13
  • Cost per km: 7 cents
  • Fuel economy: 6.3 L/100 km

So, this first tank of gas didn’t quite get the fuel economy listed on the smart website (which lists 5.4 L/100 km for combined city & highway driving).  But I’ll keep a running spreadsheet and let you know how things progress when I can average out a few tanks of gas.

Also, I just noticed this evening that my rear window is leaking window washer fluid (!), so it looks like I will need to call the dealer to have that looked at. Thank the FSM for warranty!

1I spoke to my dad yesterday and he proudly informed me that he’d put more than 2000 km on his new truck, which he got the same day I got my car. And I thought I’d driven a lot!

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  • @Dan – Oh yes. With numbers. It’s a Google doc, so I could even share it with you if you like. (Oh course, there’s not much in it yet, given that I’ve only bought one tank of gas so far)

    @Jorge – Or they just make them up completely. Like tossing a pair of dice or drawing a number out of a hat.


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  • Yup, he got some sort of a big ass Ford. (An F150, maybe?). Apparently Ford is giving 0% financing for 60 months right now! And I thought my prime + 1% was a sweet deal! Of course, the downside of that deal is that you have to own a Ford!


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