#13 – ZOMG, Sarah, we HAVE to try this!

So, I was searching Flickr for a photo to go with my last posting and when I typed in “101 in 1001” under the Creative Commons-licensed photo search, this was the first hit:

dark and stormy cupcake by cuttlefish.

A friggin’ Dark & Stormy cupcake!!

Apparently Lauren, a.k.a. cuttlefish, had on her 101 in 1001 days list: invent a bitchin’ cupcake recipe.  And this was her creation and she tagged it “101 in 1001” and that is how I find it.  And now I want to eat it.

Some background: Sarah introduced me to the deliciousness that is the Dark & Stormy – a drink made of dark rum, ginger beer and, I believe, lime juice.  She and Dave first tried it on a Carribbean cruise they went on. We tried to make them in Calgary but the ginger beer we got was fierce so we dubbed those the “Dark & Burny.” Undrinkable, they were.  But Sarah and I had some at The Reef one time when she was visiting (which I totally thought I had a photo of but can’t seem to find in my Flickr. *curses self for not tagging Flickr photos properly*). So. Delish.

The recipe for these is here. Seriously, Sar, we must, must make these at the next available opportunity!

Update: So, as Sarah notes in the comments section, the reason I couldn’t find the photos of us in the my Flickr is because she took those photos on her camera!  She sent them to me, so here they are:

DSCN0926 by you.

DSCN0927 by you.

Image credits:

Cupcake Photo:http://www.flickr.com/photos/cuttlefish/ / CC BY 2.0

Photos of Sarah & I enjoying our D&Ss at The Reef are courtesy of Sarah. Posted on my Flickr)

blog468x60 by you.Don’t forget to donate!

Read about the charity that I’m supporting, Options for Sexual Health!

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