#25 – And More Cloned Cats!

Speaking of clone cats, this is my sister’s old cat, Rhino:

Rhino (June 2005) by you.

And this is Tod’s cat, Taiko:

IMGP0049 by you.

I’m pretty sure they were separated at birth!

blog468x60 by you.Don’t forget to donate!

Read about the charity that I’m supporting, Options for Sexual Health!

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  • Taiko is pretty fucking cute. He looks kinda grumpy in that picture, but it might be because I was taking 500 pictures of him to try to get one with his eyes open and he was all “enough with the pictures already!!”

    But the Zoze is also pretty damn cute. If they ever met, I think the world would explode due to the high concentration of cuteness.


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