Good Idea or Crazy?

I’m thinking of doing a 30-day hot yoga challenge. It involves doing a hot yoga class every day for 30 days, starting on Feb 6. It would basically mean putting all social activities on hold for a month, as I’d be doing a yoga class every night after work, plus a Saturday morning and a Sunday class that I’d pick depending on what time my hockey game is. On the plus side, it would be a great way to kick start being more active, which I’ve been lousy at lately. So, what do you think – good idea or crazy?

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  • A little bit crazy for you; but it would be absolute hell for me. I don't enjoy yoga, and hot yoga makes me so yarfy I can barely walk. I cannot think of a challenge I'd like to do LESS! đŸ™‚

    It's also during the Olympics in your home city. Will that not make EVERYTHING take longer? And since you have tickets for events, would that eat into it?


    • The yoga studio is ~5 minutes from my place and not near any venues, so I don't imagine I'll have any traffic or parking issues. And for two days I have Olympic tickets (my Paralympics ones are after this challenge ends) are Saturdays, so I can just go to a morning class on those days.

      I enjoy yoga – and I love to sweat – so hopefully this will be a good thing.


  • Have you done much hot yoga before? If not, then don't commit yourself to a month — others tell me it can be pretty brutal.


    • I've done it a few times and I'm doing a few sessions this week to see if I think I'll be up to it. If I decide to do it, I'll listen to my body and even if I can't do all 30, doing some will still be good for me!


  • Do it! I think ours starts on the 7th of Feb. I have to double check. Regardless, we'll totally be hot yoga sweat buddies. Plus, misery is supposed to love company. Not that I think this is going to be misery. I'm actually very much looking forward to it.


  • I completely misunderstood your article at the beginning. I saw "30 day hot yoga challenge", which does sound challenging.

    But when I read the rest, I realized that you were actually going to be eating, sleeping, and frankly not doing yoga for 23 hours every day for a month.

    That doesn't sound so challenging anymore, does it?




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