Canadian Evaluation Society Conference – Looking for student volunteers
Since I’m apparently in the mood to promote events, I wanted to let y’all know about a conference that is going on in Victoria in May:
2010 Annual Canadian Evaluation Society Conference
Going Green, Gold and Global: New Horizons for EvaluationMay 2 to 5, 2010 — Fairmont Empress Hotel and Victoria Conference Centre, Victoria
The CES encourages evaluators and related professionals to join this tradition of sharing a spirit of ever increasing openness to knowledge diversity. Evaluation professionals from governments, post-secondary institutions, private practice, non-profits, and the voluntary sector will come together to discuss, debate and learn from each other. CES members will discuss the latest developments in evaluation in Canada. As well, we invite non-members and evaluators from outside Canada to share information and their experience on evaluation initiatives. We expect participation from colleagues in health, education, environment, natural resources, social sciences, and economic and community development sectors among others.
Check out the conference website for more information.
Volunteers Needed!
Also, I just so happen to be the Volunteer Coordinator for the conference, so if you just so happen to be a student who is interested in attending this conference, you will want to keep reading.
In exchange for a minimum of 4 hours of volunteered time, students will have their registration fee for the conference waived (note: this doesn’t include pre-conference workshops or other extras).
The types of tasks we need volunteers to do include:
- helping assemble the delegate kits (if any)
- helping greet the delegates on registration days and throughout the conference
- provide logistical support at each conference presentation
- a variety of other tasks, as needed, to ensure that everything runs smoothly.
Any interested students should contact me as soon as possible. Volunteer spots will be given out on a first-come, first-served basis.
Also, if you aren’t available for/interested in volunteering, but would like to attend the conference, there is a considerably reduced registration fee for students ((there are also reduced registration fees for seniors, and members of the American Evaluation Society and the Australasian Evaluation Society))!