Chili Pepper Christmas Tree!

I came up with a solution to my insufficient-supply-of-Christmas-tree-ornaments problem. And it allows me to cross something off my 101 in 1001 list to boot!

That solution: chili peppers. When I was in Mexico for Christmas 2008, there was a Christmas tree that was decorated entirely with chili peppers. I love love loved that tree! So much so that I added “put up a Christmas tree and decorate it with chili peppers” on to my 101 in 1001 list. Which I then totally forgot about during Christmas 2009. But when I was shopping in the produce store today, I remembered!  And so I bought a pack of chili peppers for $1.49 and put them all onto Christmas ornament hooks, like this:

Chili Pepper Christmas Tree Ornaments

And then hung them on my tree, like this:

Chili Pepper Christmas Tree Ornaments

I think they look pretty cute!

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