Random Photo-y Goodness
As I was looking at my photos yesterday, I realized that I had a bunch of screenshots and photos that I’ve been meaning to blog but never got around to. So today’s blog posting shall be a bunch of photo-y goodness.
Some of said images are of hilarious names that people give to their wireless networks, like “The I.T. Crowd”:
or “Broken Chicken Project”:
And of course this one ((I still think that “Your mom is wireless” is the best one I’ve ever seen though)):
Other good screen shots included:
Gotta love the blatant honesty of that one!
And thanks for this helpful direction, Google Maps:
I would never have known where I was if you hadn’t told me that 152nd Streets turns into 152nd Street.
And who wouldn’t want to receive a message like this:
Sadly, the No Pants Skytrain Ride occurred at the same time as a hockey game this year, so I was unable to partake.
And this just sounds dirty:
Under the heading “Things I Can’t Believe People Would Google”:
Um, if they didn’t use the scientific method, they wouldn’t be scientists!
Moving on from screenshots to photos, my mom sent me this hand cream:
Look what it says on the back:
Apply liberally as often as necessary? Isn’t it called “8 hour cream”? Shouldn’t that mean I only need to apply it once per every 8 hours?
I saw this in a store and couldn’t resist snapping a photo of it:
I pity the fool that doesn’t cook with Flavor Wave!
And I can’t believe I haven’t blogged this next one! It’s the shirt I had made for Dr. Dan for Christmas:
And finally, I saved the best for last: this drunk text I received over the Christmas holidays (with sender’s name redacted to protect her/him):
That is one of my favourite tshirts. It fits perfectly, and the text is awesome in it’s dirty-nerdiness. I wear it long time and repeatedly.