How Did I Miss My Own Blogiversary?
My blog turned 6 years old yesterday and I didn’t even bake it a cake! Worst. Blogmother. Ever!
And now a few stats, because who doesn’t love stats?
- In 6 years, I have published 1,873 blog postings. That’s an average of 0.85 postings per day or 5.98 postings per week.
- In 6 years, I’ve had 6,128 comments posted on my blog. That’s an average of 3.3 comments per posting
- I have 1,585 different tags on my blog. That’s just crazy!
Happy birthday +1 day, my blog!
Image Credit: Posted by kzys on Flickr.
The number of different tags is just mind-boggling. How did that happen?
Clearly it is a sign of the breadth of interesting subjects I write about and not at all because I tag haphazardly and thus end up with multiple tags on the same topic (e.g., I have tags for “blog,” “blogging,” “bloggable,” etc.).
SOMEONE needs to tag-cull, obviously.
That sounds too much like work!
Happy blogiversary.