Student Loan Update – Getting Closer!
So, apparently there is more to life than a 10-day long, world record breaking hockey game. I know it’s hard to believe, but while I was confined to The Compound for 10 days, life went on in the outside world. And one thing that happened while I was gone was that some payments for my student loans, which I’d set up before I left, went through. Some payments that mean I have only $17,829.59 ((considering I started with $72K in 2007, I think that’s pretty good!)) left to pay!
This means that I have already met my goal of cutting my student loans in half – from $40,000 to $20,000 – by the end of 2011 – and it’s only September!
You don’t happen to have $17,829.59 lying around that you want to give me, do you?
Hooray Beth! You are doing so well! You aren’t that far behind me, let’s start planning that big ol expensive nomoredebt party now!
I’m not planning my Freedom from Student Loans party just yet, since I’m not sure of my end date. I still have a few potential tricks up my sleeve to make some more lump sums, so my possible end date could be sooner than my mere $1,800 per month payments would allow. I’ll keep y’all posted though!
That’s so awesome! You’ll be back from Surrey in no time! 🙂
The CAPTCHA this form is making me fill out to post this comment has the word FREE in it. How appropriate is that? (Then again, the last one I filled out had “poo” in it, so don’t read too much into that.)