Reviewing My Goals for 2012
Just one day left in the calendar year, so it’s time to check in on how I did on my 2012 goals. (Note to self: I really should check in on my goals list before day 365 ((I nearly wrote day 364, but then I remembered that this year was a leap year!)), so that I can actually do something about the ones I’m slacking on before it’s too late.) Anyhoo, let’s tally the score!
2012 Goals | Achieved(y/n) | Excuse |
score 12 points on one of my hockey teams | N | This was not a well thought out goal, as I have missed the lion’s share of my hockey games this year thanks to school ((One of my teams plays only on Sundays and I have class roughly every third Sunday from 8 am to 5 pm. I can play if games are ~6:30 pm or later on class days, but this season in particular, games on class days all seemed to have been smack in the middle of class time.)). Moreover, since these are calendar-year goals but the hockey season crosses calendar years, I had to try to sort through which goals were scored in which calendar year. By my calculations, in 2012, on the Blazing Blades I scored a measly 4 points (2 in 7 games ((One of which I actually got in today’s game!)) I’ve played this season and 2 at the end of last season ((I had a total of 8 points in 2011/12, but only 2 were in 2012.)) ), but for the Snipers, I can’t actually tell how many I scored in 2012, as that league doesn’t give me the breakdown of when points were scored in previous seasons. Regardless, I didn’t come anywhere near 12 points even if you added my points on both teams together, so we can chalk this goal up as an epic fail. |
go to 24 yoga practices | N | I actually haven’t a clue how many yoga classes I’ve gone to this year, since it appears that I neglected to track them (d’oh!). I know that I’ve gone to six yoga classes on the Groupon that I got for the yoga studio near my apartment – because they use the old-school passes where they just write in the box on a little card every time you attend a class. But I have no idea how many times – if any – I went to the old hot yoga studio near my old place, because the pass there is the kind that’s just a barcode that you scan when you go in, so I can’t see how many classes I’ve used on that one. I’m reasonably certain, however, that I didn’t go to anywhere near 24 practices, though I have been doing some yoga-like stretching on my own time. |
run 240 km | Y | This one I solidly accomplished, putting in 295.51 km – and nearly 37 hours(!) – of running in 2012! |
knock 24 items off my 101 list of things to do in 1001 days | N | Yet another fail! I managed to knock 7 items off the list – a mere 29% of my goal! |
run in 3 races | 2 out of 3 | One zombie obstacle course race. One half marathon. 2 out of 3 ain’t bad. |
make $100,008 | Y | If you count my scholarship – which I totally do – then I finally surpassed the $100K mark. Granted, a huge chunk of that now goes to pay for tuition, textbooks and various other school-related bric-a-brac, but still – goal accomplished! |
So, there you have it. I succeeded in 2.67 of my 6 goals ((Which is actually better than I did last year.))! But given that I spent 735.62 hours on school ((Which, if you are interested, works out to 30.65 DAYS – or 8% of the year – at a ratio of 1.33 hrs of homework for every 1 hour of class!)) and I published a textbook in 2012, I’m OK with this.
Next up, a posting about my goals for 2013!
Comments |2|
Tags: 2012, 2012 goals, goals, rampant narcissism
Yes! I love goals… and in my opinion, it’s not about achieving all the goals. Goal setting just keeps you on track to get things done… and you certainly did A LOT!! 😀 You rock, w00t!
Agreed – I set goals as a way to think about what I want to achieve and to keep track of what I’m doing, but I am also all about seizing opportunities when they come along, so sometimes what seems important on Dec 30th of one year might get sidelined at some point in the following year! C’est la vie!