101 Check-In

One of my goals for 2013 was to complete 13 items from my list of 101 things to do in 1001 days. To help facilitate this, I actually picked a goal for each month and set forth on those goals that required a long-term investment (e.g., do a 365 photo challenge, do exercise every day for a year, write in my journal every day for a month). For months where I didn’t complete the goal I’d originally set out, I added a goal to an upcoming month to catch up. In the end, I completed 14 of my items! They were:

78. Clean up my boxes of papers!

66. Write in journal every day for a month!

25. bake at least one thing per month for 12 months in a row

65. go to a Vancouver Canadians game
36. incorporate the word “growlery” into my vocabulary
16. buy a pantsuit
99. make Baked Alaska

55. leave the continent
12. re-read Momo
13. re-read Johnathan Livingstone Seagull

100. print eight photos and put them in the photo frame that I bought ages ago that has been handing on my wall with the stock photos in it, because that really looks quite ridiculous the way it is
52. cook a decent tasting Eggplant Parmesan

98. drive the entire length of the King George Boulevard of Broken Dreams with Kalev

26. do some kind of exercise (anything really, even if it is just a set of pushups, as long as it is beyond just incidental stuff like taking the stairs or walking to a store) every day for a year!

So I have now completed 23 of the 101 items on my list. And I only have 190 days left to go! Looks like I better set a 2014 goal for completing a bunch of items if I want to at least get a passing grade! Or at least surpass my success rate of 39% from my first 101 list.

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