Slurpee Adventure 2 – The Reslurpification!
As you may know, 7/11 gives away free Slurpees on July 11 (i.e., 7/11) every year. Which just happens to be my half birthday. Last year, Kalev and I decided to walk around downtown Vancouver, going to as many 7/11s as we could to acquire free frozen sugary goodness. This year, we decided that walking is for suckers – who wants to burn off all those precious calories, right? So instead of walking around the downtown core, we combined our free Slurpee search with our desire to drive over the new Golden Ears bridge while it’s still free1 and took Zaphod on another road trip.
Before the Slurpee trip, I drove my friend, Jen B., to the Tsawwassen ferry terminal, because she doesn’t have a car and getting to the ferry on the bus sucks big time. She gave me a jar of homemade strawberry jam and a dish cloth that she knitted and bought me a coffee, which I think is an awesome trade for a car ride! When I got to Kalev’s, it occurred to me that I was freaking hungry, so we decided to go to the Templeton to get their big ass breakfast to fortify us for our journey. Which apparently we did last year as well, but which I had absolutely no recollection of until just now when I looked at my blog posting from last year’s Slurpee Adventure. Which supports what I often say – I have a blog so that I don’t need to have a memory.
Our first Slurpee stop was downtown – Robson & Granville. Kalev opted for the much-hyped new Dr. Pepper Very Very Cherry, which, of course, is silly since the main flavour in regular Dr. Pepper *is* cherry. I opted for the blue bubble gum flavour, which is also silly because everyone knows that bubble gum isn’t blue.
Next we headed out of downtown on Hastings toward the highway. Kalev started searching for 7/11s on his shiny new iPhone2, but I spotted one as we were driving, so we stopped there for Slurpee #2. I had a banana flavoured Slurpee, because really no Slurpee adventure is complete without something blindingly fluorescent, and Kalev opted for the strawberry limeade. Also, we saw this ridiculously large Slurpee mug, which I’m pretty sure is the leading cause of the current obesity epidemic:
A sticker on this mug informs the buyer that their first Slurpee mug fill up is free. I’m pretty sure that that would also be your last fill up, because that amount of sugar would surely kill you.
Our next stop was somewhere where you can see mountains in the background (which really narrows it down in Vancouver, right?), as per this picture:
I think this was on Canada Way, but I don’t remember because I was in a sugar-induced coma by this point. I also don’t remember what flavour of Slurpees we had because the Slurpees aren’t in the photo, and did I mention I have a terrible memory?
The next stop was in Pitt Meadows, which I know because of this photo of the sign of the plaza in which we found the 7/11:
Again, I don’t remember which flavours we had here. And yes, this was only yesterday. :-S
Then we made it to the bridge:
It was like, well, every other bridge I’ve ever driven on. But it was free, whereas it will cost money next week, so therefore it was awesome.
Slurpee #5, I remember, was in Cloverdale, because once we got over the bridge were were all “OK, mission accomplished on that whole bridge crossing thing. Now what?” We hadn’t really planned what we were actually going to do after said bridge crossing, so we decided to search out the closest 7/11, which was in Cloverdale but we had to drive around the Cloverdale fairgrounds to get there.
This is me, sending a text from the Cloverdale 7/11. I believe the text said, “I’m in Cloverdale.”
Also, I decided that since all the photos taken so far were virtually identically, it was time to switch it up. Hence this photo:
Then, all Slurpeed out, we decided it was time to head home. And we also decided to double our lifetime trips over the Golden Ears bridge by returning the same way that we had come. And, much to our surprise, we got caught in traffic on the deproach3.
Also, and this photo is mainly for Sarah, who just the other day commented about this, on the way home we discovered this – an “I don’t know where the fuck I’m going” lane:
But apparently it’s only for trucks who don’t know where the fuck they are going. Every one else has to turn right.
And thus ended the Great Slurpee Adventure of 2009.
1The Golden Ears bridge is the one that just recently opened to replace the Albion Ferry. It will be a toll bridge, but for the first month they are letting people drive on it for free. I heart free.
3“Deproach” being the word that Kalev invented to describe the part of the road immediately after the bridge; the opposite of the “approach” to the bridge.
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Tags: 7/11, free Slurpees, free stuff, half birthday, photos, Slurpees
Well, that explains the full wedding party (including bride in shiny white meringue dress) we saw having slurpees outside the 7-11 on Knight/33rd on Saturday!
LOL! Free Slurpees on your wedding day – that would be awesome!