I Heart Fruit
I’ve been on something of a fresh lemon and lime kick lately. One day, I just saw some in the produce store, ever so cheap ((lemons 2 for $1, limes 4 for $1!)), and thought “why don’t I buy those?” I mean, I usually have a bottle of lemon juice ((and if I’m on kick where I’m into making pad thai, I’ll have a bottle of lime juice too)) in the fridge, mainly for making hummus and guacamole, but really, fresh is sooo much better than the bottled stuff ((which actually has other ingredients in it, rather than being pure lemon juice)). And who doesn’t like a slice of fresh lemon or lime in their glass of water or diet Pepsi? And fresh squeezed lemon juice on avocado -yummy!
I’m also very exited about berry season – I love berries, but they are ungodly expensive during the winter. Today I bought strawberries, blueberries AND raspberries ((I took photos of the berries but they all turned out fuzzy for some reason (the photos, not the berries) and I’m too lazy to try again. You’ll just have to take my word for it that they are vibrant colours and delicious!)) at the Cloverdale Farm market, which has become my produce acquisition location since moving to S-town. Though I just discovered that in the same place as the Save-On near to my office, there is a little produce store reminiscent of Young Brothers in Kits, where I used to get my produce back in the day, though unlike Young Brothers, no one body checks you to get to the asparagus. The prices at this store are pretty good, but you have to search through the crappy produce to find the good stuff ((which you’d never see at Y.B.)) and the selection is limited, so I’ll probably only go there when I need just a few basic fruits and veggies, and make the trip out to C-dale to get the bulk of my F & V.
I may have also eaten a square of orange-flavoured dark chocolate this evening, though that probably does not actually count as fruit ((it does contain *organic* “orange essence” – that’s the “essence” of an orange, people!))