Research Participants Wanted
At the request of Sir Kalev, my Overseer of Deb0rking and Tsar of the Nerdery, I am posting this request for research participants for research being conducted by a friend of his. If you are responsible for hiring at an IT company in Toronto, consider taking part! Ha – who am I kidding? Like anyone that important reads my blog! If you happen to know someone who might fit the bill, feel free to pass this info along.
Here are the deets:
Dear Sir or Madam
My name is Jennifer Elrick, and I am a PhD student in the Department of Sociology at the University of Toronto. I am conducting a study on hiring practices in small and medium‐size information and communication technology (ICT) companies. The project is part of my dissertation work on how workplace cultures and individual backgrounds influence a company’s choice of recruitment channels and selection criteria.
I am contacting you to ask if you would be willing to participate in a one hour interview. The purpose of the interview is to help me understand how you go about hiring people for skilled positions in your company, what you look for in candidates, and how important the fit between the person you’re considering for a position and the culture of your workplace is. The interview will focus on such topics as the company’s founding history, the educational experiences of persons involved in hiring procedures, the hiring procedure itself, the types of people you have hired over the recent past, the company’s work culture, and social activities within the company. In order to facilitate a comparative analysis across ICT firms, I will also ask for information about the size and composition of your company’s workforce. Personal information will be kept in confidence; although data from the interview may appear in academic publications, none of it will identify the people interviewed personally in any way.
By sharing your knowledge and experiences, you will be contributing to a better understanding of how social and cultural aspects of doing business affect hiring in a sector that is an important source of employment in Toronto and across Canada.
I would be happy to arrange an interview at a location and time that fits your schedule, including taking you out for lunch of coffee, if that is more convenient than meeting at your place of work.
Thank you for taking the time to consider this request. If you have any questions about this project, please contact me or my supervisor, Prof. Jeffrey Reitz, using the contact information below.
Jennifer Elrick
Jennifer Elrick
Department of Sociology
University of Toronto
725 Spadina Ave.
Toronto, ON, M5S 2J4
Prof. Jeff Reitz
Department of Sociology
University of Toronto
725 Spadina Ave.
Toronto, ON, M5S 2J4
Tel: 416‐946‐8993