Fashion’s Night Out

Raul brought this to my attention and asked if I could share it with you, my lovely readers:

Guests of Fashion’s Night OUT! will be treated to a one-off fashion show put on by The Hudson Bay Company’s celebrated and critically successful White Space in Yaletown’s V Lounge on March 8, 2011 along with a cocktail reception, stunning silent auction, live DJ, and exclusive gift bags. The event will include a fashion show and a short video presentation. 100% of the proceeds going to Out in Schools.

Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Time: 19:00-22:00 (7:00-10:00 pm)
Venue: V Lounge at Earl’s Yaletown
Pricing: $20

100% of the proceeds will be going to Out in Schools to combat ignorance and bullying.

For more information please contact Social Chair Public Relations at

There will be a fashion show, a glass of wine for the first 100-150 people or so, some canapés, drink specials (martinis for $5.00) and more importantly, the ticket cost ($20) all goes to Out in Schools, an organization that , through “bringing queer films to local high schools to facilitate discussion with youth on bullying, homophobia and stereotypes,[…] give[s] youth a safe space to explore these issues. [They] aim to increase understanding through education to combat the issues threatening the safety of our classrooms for all students.”

I can’t go due to a prior engagement, but if you can, I think it will be a good time and it is raising money for an excellent cause. You can get tickets at Event Brite.

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