A Treat For My Feet
On the advice of my chiropractor – who I’m sure is sick of having to adjust my feet, which seem to get super duper tight when I run long distances – I went to Kintec, a specialty shoe/orthotics store for athletes, to get some kick ass insoles that will keep my feet from getting all stupid tight like they have been lately, what with the running of long distances and all.
I usually buy my running shoes at the Running Room and every time I do, the salesperson watches me as I walk and then as I run and then tells me that I neither supinate nor pronate. Every. Single. Time. My chiropractor, however, claims that I am a supinator ((Unlike most people, who are pronators)). But the guy in Kintec said that I supinate one foot and pronate the other foot. WTF? Do my feet have multiple personality disorder?
At any rate, I bought some new insoles that are cushiony and will mold to my feet over time as I wear them, so hopefully they will just mold to whatever the hell my feet are doing.
I took them out for a spin yesterday and they felt pretty good, so that’s something.
Also, while in said store, I saw these socks:
I was very, very tempted to buy those, I must say!
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Tags: insoles, pronation, rampant consumerism, running, sports, supination
Get the socks! I have slowly built up my collection for winter. A pair lasts me 3 years being washed once per week. I love them. Oh and if the insoles don’t work they mane great orthotics.