Random Stuff I’ve Cooked

As you know, I like to cook. I also like to take photos of the stuff that I cook under the misguided notion that I’ll actually get around to writing blog postings about said cooking.

Instead, here’s a bunch of random photos of stuff I’ve cooked over the last eleventy months that I never got around to blogging about:

Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

Before baking:


After baking:


Apple Bread:

Apple Bread

Kick Ass Tofu Recipe That My Friend Kim Taught Me:

Dish on the right, contains soy sauce. Dish on the left – crushed almonds + spices.


You dip your slices of extra firm tofu in the soy sauce, then in the almonds and spices, like so:


Then pan fry:



My Attempt At Eggplant:

Mix up cornmeal, chili powder, marjoram, & salt:


Dip in your slices of eggplant (which you’ve already let sit covered in salt to remove the bitterness, then rinsed):


Then pan fry. I have to admit this was only so-so. But eggplant is tough to get right, so I think I just need to do more experimenting.

Kick Ass Quinoa & Chickpea Dish

Also a recipe that I got from Kim:


“Chicken” Pot Pie:

Before baking:


After baking:


Looks meh, but tastes awesome!

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