Movie Review: Final Destination 5
Warning: there will be spoilers.
Yesterday a group of us went to see Final Destination 5, a documentary about bridge safety. In preparation, Kalev and I watched Final Destination 1 on Monday night. Because, you know, I was sure I wouldn’t be able to follow the plot without having seen number 1.
There was much excitement in Vancouver over this movie because it was filmed here and the trailer prominently featured the Lions Gate Bridge collapsing. As it turned out, most of the people who worked on this movie appeared to be in the theater watching it with us last night. Before the movie started, we noticed several people wearing Final Destination 5 t-shirts. And after the big bridge collapse scene, the audience erupted into applause. Also, everyone in the theater stayed at the end of the movie to watch the credits to see their own names at which point they cheered loudly. Not that I’m criticizing – I’d totally do that if I ever made a movie.
As for the movie itself, it’s everything that one could ask for in a fifth sequel of a cheesy horror movie franchise. People die in grotesque and ridiculous ways that defy all laws of reason and physics; laser eye surgery is performed by a surgeon who doesn’t look at the patient’s chart before the surgery starts (necessitating the surgeon to leave the room with the laser on and the patient strapped down onto the surgical table) on a patient who just walked in the door and said, “I want surgery!” ((They tried to cover their bases on this one by having the surgeon say “It’s been a while since your initial consultation,” but even if you’d been in for consultation, there is no way in hell could walk in and gets surgery done the same day, with no one there to give you a ride home afterwards, etc.)); and has a pretty fun twist at the end. All in all, a good evening. And I’m sure glad I had my laser eye surgeries before I ever saw this movie!
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Tags: Final Destination, Final Destination 5, friends, horror movies, movie, movie review, review
I have to say I am NEVER going to attempt gymnastics. EVAR. Fucking movie has RUINED my Olympic gymnastics career! I should SUE!
And it’s scary what an accurate documentary about “that bridge” it actually is.
The only possible way this movie could have been better would have been if Devon Sawa were in it. 😀
I totally wanna see this movie purely for the Lions Gate Bridge collapse.
“everyone in the theater stayed at the end of the movie to watch the credits to see their own names at which point they cheered loudly.
Yup! It’s even funnier at the cast and crew preview showings. Mark didn’t work on this one, but he did get a credit for Rise of the Planet of the Apes – we always stay to watch the credits, even though the construction crew don’t usually get mentioned, and there he was! Yay!