The Eatery Challenge

My friend Alicia and I went for a walk around the seawall today – something I haven’t done since Dr. Jen moved away ((Dr. Jen and I used to walk the seawall almost every Saturday)) – and afterwards we went to get some sushi with Alicia’s husband and daughter. First of all, a toddler eating sushi is adorable. Also, a toddles insisting on eating with chopsticks even though they don’t know how is also pretty adorable.

We were originally going to go to a sushi joint near Alicia & Paul’s place in Yaletown, but it turned out to be closed between lunch and dinner, so instead we headed over The Eatery. The Eatery is a funky sushi place in Kits that is known for its Astroboy-laden decor and weird combinations in their sushi rolls. Being that I’m new to eating fishy sushi ((I had never tried sushi before I became a vegetarian, and since becoming an unvegetarian, I have only had a basic tuna roll and salmon roll and it was at a run-of-the-mill sushi joint, not a really good one.)), I asked Paul to recommend the best things to try (as Alicia is a vegetarian). And we ended up having a whole bunch of deliciousness. There were some basic things -salmon nigiri, tuna nigiri, ebi nigiri, and chopped scallop roll – and then some of the crazy Eatery specials – Erotica roll (avocado, salmon, tuna, roe, mayo, crab & cucumber), Malibu roll (smoked salmon, crab, cucumber, papaya), and Miss Piggy roll (bacon, scallop, asparagus, roe, unagi sauce).

The verdict: other than the ebi (prawn) nigiri being pretty tastless and the Miss Piggy roll being odd ((I always thought that bacon makes everything better, but it turns out that this is not true when it comes to sushi)), everything else was delicious!

At the end of the meal, Alicia suggested that I should write a blog posting about the Eatery’s crazy rolls and, over time, try to eat every single roll on the “Funky Creations” section of the menu. Well – challenge accepted!  I’m going to consider this my unofficial 102nd “to do” item!

Here’s what I’ve accomplished so far:

Funky Creations at the Eatery (15 Oct 2011)

Note: As per usual, I’m not getting anything from the Eatery for blogging about them. Sadly. I just like eating there.

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