My One And Only Shoe Purchase for 2010

Way back in January, I made a deal with myself that I’m not allowed to buy any shoes in 2010, except for running shoes, which I was allowed to purchase when my then-current pair were worn out.  I just bought waaay to many shoes in ’09 and so felt I really should be wearing all those rather than buying new ones.  Running half marathons – and all the associated training runs that go along with them – puts a lot of wear and tear on the ole’ runners, and it really is a safety issue to have a proper footwear when running ((as I learned in the Victoria half marathon debacle of ’07)).  Hence, I would like to introduce you to my new pair of runners:

Day 19

If they look familiar, it’s probably because they are identical to my last pair.  I really liked this pair and so I was pretty excited when I went shopping last weekend and saw that the Running Room had them on sale.  However, they were on sale because they are last year’s model, so selection was a bit limited and they didn’t have my size at the store I was at. Fortunately, they had my size at the North Van store, so they had them shipped over and now I am the proud owner of a new pair of Asics Cumulus 11s!

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