Ethical Deal

And speaking of Groupon, there’s a new group coupon kid in town: Ethical Deal. They are like Groupon in that they will be offering mega-discounts on things, but their schtick is that they will be offering deals only with “green” companies.  Will they actually be green or is this just a greenwashing of the group discount idea?  Only time will tell I guess, as the Vancouver edition of Ethical Deal hasn’t yet launched – we have a wait a few weeks for that and in that time they are trying to get lots and lots of people to sign up (after all, they need lots of people buying their deals to make the mega-discounts work).

I’ve signed up and if you sign up by clicking on my Ethical Deal link, I’ll get entered into a draw for $500 worth of Ethical Deals. Then you can get your own link and every time someone signs up through that link, you’ll get entered into the draw and then you’ll probably win and I’ll be all “damn, I wish they hadn’t clicked my link so I could have had less competition in the contest” but then if you didn’t click my link I wouldn’t have had an entry into the contest and I believe this is what is known as a conundrum. So sign up for Ethical Deal and you too can get an offer a day via email for big discounts on stuff that you probably don’t need, but it’s green stuff and SUCH a big discount. Or don’t. You know, whatever.

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  • I’m a relatively recent convert to these group buying thingummies, and I’m glad to have yet another option in town (I’ve been signed up for a while!) Have you also tried one called Good News? They donate a certain percentage of every sale to charity (the food bank at the moment). I also use Groupon and Living Social. Great stuff.


  • Thanks for sharing your thoughts on ethicalDeal Beth! We’re launching our first ethicalDeal in Vancouver Monday, November 1. We’re all about introducing people to green alternatives – in an easy and fun way! If you ever have ideas for companies that you want to see featured, let us know!


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