How Did You Celebrate World Maths Day?

Day 253Me, doing the gang sign for “pi,” in honour of World Maths Day. You did know that today was World Maths Day, right? I knew about this important occasion because I downloaded the Nerdidays Calendar from Dr. Dan’s website. Because days like World Maths Day are just too important to miss!

So, what did you do to celebrate?

I did the following:

  • spent much of the day calculating descriptive statistics for a project at work. I even made a few bar graphs! w00t!
  • got a free coffee at McDonald’s. They gave me a cup of coffee and I gave them $0.00 – that’s pretty good math by my calculation!
  • had a massage. Because, really, getting a massage is a good way to celebrate any occasion.

And now I’m going to teach some statistics.

What a great World Maths Day!

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