The Top Ten Reasons You Should Sponsor Me In the Longest Game for CF

In addition to looking for personal donations for the Longest Game of Hockey for CF, we are also looking for companies to sponsor us ((if you are interested in doing such a thing, let me know and I will send you the sponsorship package!)). You could be the title sponsor for the whole event, or you could sponsor a day, the food, a player, or even a referee! As I mentioned previously, I would totally love it if someone sponsored me, so I’ve written this list of the top 10 reasons that you should sponsor me:

  1. Your company’s logo will be printed on the back of my jersey.
  2. Your company’s logo will be displayed on my bio page on the website.
  3. Your company’s name will be announced over the PA every day during the 10-day long game.
  4. Your company’s logo will be displayed both at rink level and behind my team’s bench.
  5. Your company’s logo will be projected on the outside arena wall from dusk to midnight.
  6. You will get an official game jersey signed by all 40 players – and I’m pretty sure my autograph is going to be worth something some day.
  7. You will get 2 passes to the V.I.P. area at the rink. And you know you want to be V.I.
  8. Your company’s logo will appear on the back of the official game t-shirts we will be selling.
  9. You will be recognized in the event program under the “Sponsor a Player” section AND get a half page ad in the event program.
  10. You get to be the boss of me for 10 days!

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