Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

IMG_1872A couple of weeks ago, when McDonald’s was giving out their coffee for free, a colleague and I were acquiring some of said free coffee at a McD’s near our office when I noticed a sign indicating that Shamrock Shakes were back! So I got all excited and squeed about said Shamrock Shakes and my colleague was all “WTF is a Shamrock Shake?” ((Said colleague had also never heard of CHiPs, so I’m really starting to wonder about her)). So I told her all about the joy that is the minty delicious bright green shake that brings me back to my childhood and she agreed that this sounded like something that she just *had* to try and so we agreed that we would return to said McD’s on St. Patrick’s Day to get ourselves some Shamrock Shake deliciousness.

Just as tasty as I remembered them.

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