My New Running Shoes!

My recent executive decision to run the Scotiabank half marathon (in late June) instead of the BMO half marathon (in early May) has given me the chance for a do-over of my half marathon training, which wasn’t going well because of my aversion to winter weather. Well, I’ve decided to embrace this chance for a reset and have re-started my half marathon training in earnest ((I’ve also registered for the race!))!

After my last few (relatively short) runs ended with achy feet, I came to the conclusion that it was time for a new pair of running shoes ((I did have my old shoes through the lion share of my Royal Victoria half marathon last year, plus that race, plus all my running since then. And need I remind you that I blew away my personal best at that race? Clearly, all that speed and distance must take a toll on one’s shoes ))! Since the fabulous SarahDave gave me a gift card to the Running Room to put towards a new pair of running shoes for Christmas, it was off to the Running Room I went!

Now, all the shoes that I’ve worn since I started running have been Asics, so I went into the store with the full intention of buying yet another pair of Asics Cumulus/Nimbus/[enter the name of cloud type here]. As per usual with the Running Room, the salesguy ((This was, for the record, the same salesguy who laughed at me when I showed up at the Running Room dressed in my running gear. He didn’t appear to recognize me in my street clothes.)) had me take off my shoes and walk around the store and then said, “Your gait is totally neutral. No pronation or supination! And, yup, the wear on your old shoes is totally even – neutral for sure!” ((Is it odd that I take pride in have this “neutral” gait? I mean, it isn’t actually something that I’ve done anything to make happen, yet I feel superior because of it)). But! They didn’t have the Asics Cumulus or Nimbus in my size! The horror, the horror!!  So he brought out some other shoes ((I suppose I could have gone to another Running Room store, but I was already at this one and figured I may as will give these ones a try before insisting on Asics)): New Balance. Adidas. Saucony.

The Adidas ones were hideously ugly – bright freaking yellow – and extremely not comfortable. They had zero cushioning, though the salespeople told me this was to make them lightweight – a full 2 oz lighter than a normal pair. Seeing as I’ve never had trouble with my shoes feeling too heavy and I don’t envision enjoying running on what feels like rock, this pair was out of the running ((Bad running pun, FTW!!)) immediately.  The New Balance pair were OK, but they were nothing compared to the Saucony. The Saucony pair, in fact, reminded me of when I first met my first pair of Asics – so cushiony, hugging my feet like they were made for them! And that, my friends, is the story of how I decided to cheat on my running shoe brand and jumped into the figurative arms of a pair of Saucony Progrid Ride 3:


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  • I am not neutral either. But I did buy a new pair of shoes when I was in New York. Nike Vomero 5 (stupid name – awesome shoe). Normally I opt for Brooks Beasts, but was informed on my last visit to the running room that they are meant for someone that is about 50lbs heavier. Given that I’ve recently lost about that much, I guess it made sense that they were no longer right for me. Enter the Nike Vomero. So comfy. So cushiony, and amazingly light compared to the Beasts. Since their purchase, I have ran several short runs, 2 half marathons and 1 17k. So far, so very good.


  • Wow, Dan, you are the first running I’ve met who actually wears Nike running shoes! Seriously, when Alicia and I ran the Nike 10 km race a few years back we noticed that not a single person we saw was wearing Nike running shoes. There were Asics, New Balance, Brooks, and Saucony galore, but no Nikes. Granted, if you can get all the training for TWO half marathons, plus the halfs themselves, and still going – I’m impressed. I can usually get the training for one half + the half but then partway into the training for the next one, I need a new pair as the old pair is worn out.

    In the interest of full disclosure: my hockey skates are Nike. But I believe that when I bought them, Nike’s hockey stuff was made by Bauer.


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