Ninja Blender

A long, long time in a galaxy far, far away ((This is one of those postings that was in my Drafts folder, as just a title, that I mentioned in my last blog posting.)), I asked Twitter what blender I should buy ((My ex owned a blender when we moved in together and my magic bullet blender was on its last legs, so I got rid of it. When my ex became my ex, I then had no blender.)). There were several suggestions and much debate, but in the end I decided to get a Ninja blender, and only partly because it has an awesome name. It got great reviews for its blending power and I found it on sale at Canadian Tire, where I could get the blender with a jug plus an attachment and several blending cups so that it can be like a magic bullet for making smoothies in, only way more powerful than a magic bullet ((OK, I can’t talk about magic bullet blenders without linking to this blog posting.)) – for the price of just the regular blender and jug. That’s $50 off! And you know how much I like a deal!

The main reason I wanted a blender was to be able to make hummus and spinach & cilantro rice, the latter of which involves blending up spinach, cilantro, and parsley with vegetable stock and then cooking rice in that. It looks like this when you blend it ((OK, I can’t talk about blending without linking to this blog posting.)):

Day 75

So far, I’m pretty pleased with my Ninja. I haven’t yet tried out the crushed ice setting, but perhaps that is something I can do in the new year!

Comments |2|

  • Argh. you make me want to get one too! I have been looking at it for a really long time but haven’t made up my mind yet. I already spend money for my own Christmas gift this year 🙁 Maybe next time..

    (you really are cranking out those blog posts eh? 😉


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