Happy 5th Blogiversary to Me!

Calendar Number 5

Once upon a time, a bright eyed young graduate student, in search of a better way to procrastinate, decided to start a blog. She called it “Thesis Writing is Hell” and her early blog postings were all about her thesis and thus, really never meant for anyone to read.  Pretty soon, however, she ventured out and blogged such insightful things as “Happy Birthday, Sarah,” and “I play hockey,” and “I went somewhere” and before she knew it, she was a full on personal blogger.  And that “once upon at time” was exactly five years ago today ((As Kris pointed out to me back when her blog turned five in March, if our blogs were babies, they’d be in kindergarten by now!)).

It’s hard to believe that I’ve spent the last five years typing my inane thoughts, and occasional political rants ((and, of course, many accompanying footnotes)), into a little box on my computer screen, then unleashing said thoughts out onto the Internets, and even more hard to believe that you people out there read them.  And keep coming back back for more!

Being that I’m indecisive and have the attention span of a carrot, this blog has seen four different URLs ((for the record, http://thesiswriting.blogspot.com/, http://drbethsnow.wordpress.com/, http://drbethsnow.com [which is going to be changed to something else entirely… someday], and http://www.nottobetrustedwithknives.com/)), which don’t exactly correspond directly to the four names ((Thesis Writing Is Hell, Thesis Writing Was Hell, Total Perspective Vortex, Not To Be Trusted With Knives)) I’ve used for it, as well as three different apartments ((and the almost-never-mentioned-on-here divorce)), the finishing of the fabled thesis after which the blog was originally titled, and two different full-time jobs ((1st post-PhD job, 2nd post-PhD job)), ((FWIW, *I* had the apartment and the jobs, not the blog)).  I’ve chronicled six trips up the Grouse Grinds ((six that I blogged about: Oct 2005, August 2006, July 2007, June 2008, June 2009, Sept 2009 and two more that I did but didn’t blog)) and nine races ((Run for the Cure 5K, Pacific Spirit 10 KM 2007 & 2008; Royal Victoria Marathon – half marthon, Vancouver International Marathon – half marathon 2007 & 2009 and 8 km in 2010; Nike 10 KM 2008; Scotiabank Half Marathon 2010)) in these past five years, not to mention ((why do we say “not to mention” when we are mentioning things?)) 22 trips ((Ottawa fall 2005, Palo Alto fall 2005, Kelowna spring 2006, Seattle spring 2006, Toronto summer 2006, Tofino winter 2007; Calgary spring 2007; Seattle summer 2007, camping fall 2007, Las Vegas fall 2007; Toronto/Ottawa Christmas 2007; Yellowknife spring 2008; Kelowna spring 2008; Toronto summer 2008; San Francisco summer 2008; Sun Peaks summer 2008; Toronto fall 2008; Mexico Christmas 2008; Federicton summer 2009; Vegas spring 2009; Punta Cana winter 2010; Kananaskis spring 2010))!

It’s been a fun five years ((and 1527 blog posts)) of making new friends, bringing you photos of hockey hotties, and ranting about David Emerson. Here’s to the next five and whatever adventures they may bring!

Image Credit: Posted by Leo Reynolds on Flickr.

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