Tag Cloud of Search Terms
Over on Darren’s blog, he made some tag clouds using the keywords that people searched for and then ended up on his blog. I’m always one to steal other people’s ideas ((in my defence, he gave detailed instructions of how to do this using Google Analytics and Wordle, so he was pretty much asking for it)), so here’s my tag cloud using the top 100 search terms people have used to end up on my blog so far in 2010 (click here for a bigger version):
The biggest search term – “beth snow blog” – makes sense, but I find it amusing that the other major search terms that landed people on my blog are for:
- someone else’s photo (“quatchi kid”)
- a program that I never completed (“200 squats”)
- the incorrect name of a program I never completed (“100 squats” and “100 squat(s) challenge”)
- the name of my blog with a typo in it (“no to be trusted with knives”)
- something someone else said in a comment (“radicalized geese”)
I’m not sure what someone Googling “radicalized geese” is looking for, but I’m fairly certain I’m not delivering.
Though you can’t really see them very well here, if you click through to the bigger version you’ll see that quite a few people landed here looking for information on the presence of one Mr. Patrick Kane of the Chicago Blackhawks at the illustrious Roxy night club in Vancouver. So I know that at least *some* of the people coming here are in the right ball park.
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Tags: blogging, Geekery, Google Analytics, keywords, stuff on the internets, tag cloud
Actually, I twice (then a third time just now) Googled “radicalized geese” to find that comment I wrote in the aftermath of Capt. Sullenberger’s successful water landing of a passenger airliner that lost two engines by bird strike. Once the comment actually was relevant to a conversation, and once I was struggling with a little project and needed a reminder that I had written funny things in the past. In any case, even Google only knows of one resource on this subject. Your blog is actually the Internet’s leading authority on radicalized geese. As The Bloggess might say, you’re welcome!
So you Googled it three times and I’ve Googled it twice – but who has Googled it the other 40 times?
Also, I think I will add “the Internet’s leading authority on radicalized geese” to my resume!
Check out my blog’s new tagline!
For what it’s worth, the closest I’ve ever come to serious scientific publication was a waterfowl-related essay, “Evolution is Screwy,” in The Darwin Awards Next Evolution (the fifth book of the series.) Perhaps we should cobble together a grant application to study the threat undocumented immigrant geese pose to air travel. My government still seems to believe it is impossible to spend too much money on homeland security. I’m certain many billions of those dollars went to less worthy causes.
I’m still wondering who else showed such an interest in the subject though. *ponder* The closest thing I can get from Google’s autocomplete is “radicalization of turkey,” and methinks that last term was meant to be capitalized.
Your new tagline makes it sound like the geese that have been radicalized are the ones with which knives should not be trusted, which is probably true. I always thought it was referring to yourself, but I’ll just make sure not to trust you OR the geese with any knives, just to be safe.
Nice work! Steal away. Also, bonus points for hyperlinked footnotes. Is that new, or have you been doing that for a while?
@Demonweed – Can I use the grant money to take extensive air travel to exotic locations? You know, for geese and air travel research purposes? If so, count me in!
@extragoode – I don’t think you should trust me with knives or radicalized geese with knives or me with radicalized geese. Pretty much, just don’t trust anyone with anything.
@Darren – I’ve been doing the hyperlinked footnotes for a while. Where by “I,” I mean the WP-Footnotes plugin that I, uh, plugged in.