Hello Autumn, Where the F Did You Come From?

How, exactly, is it the end of August?  Like, seriously, people, it feels like we *just* started to get warm weather, work hasn’t slowed down one iota, and I haven’t had any summer holidays yet. WTF?  And fall is *just* around the corner!  I’m teaching my course at UBC again this fall ((my third year running! w00t!)), which means I have to have everything all good to go for my first day of class, September 9. Plus I’m signed up to run the Royal Victoria Half Marathon on October 10.  Unlike last year, I registered early ((by which I mean, before the race was full)! Go me!

On the plus side, hockey season starts soon too!  Or should I say hockey seasons, as I’m playing on two teams this year!  I’ve joined a team with some of my coworkers, in addition to my main team, which I’ve played on for the past few years. My main team plays on Sundays and my new team plays on Wednesdays or Sundays, depending on the week, so I’ll be playing all the Wed games and any of the Sun ones that don’t conflict with my main team’s games. Combine that with my half marathon training and my teaching and, well, I guess I’ll talk to y’all in December!

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