Looks Like I Can Add “Blogging Conference Non-Profit Expo-bitionist” To My CV

So, in addition to being a panelist at the upcoming Northern Voice conference on Friday, I’m also going to have a booth at the Northern Voice Non-Profit Expo on Saturday!

When I saw that NV was, in fact, having the Non-Profit Expo as part of the conference again this year, I decided to apply to get a table to promote the Longest Game of Hockey – you know, the insanely crazy thing where I’m playing hockey for 10 days straight to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis? Yeah, that. The good people running the NV conference deemed us worthy and we were chosen as one of the non-profits who get to expo ourselves!

If you are going to be at Northern Voice, be sure to drop by our table to say hi, hear more about the game, donate to the cause or… something else, but I’m not going to tell you what that is just yet!

And if you aren’t going to be at the conference, you can totally just go to the LG4CF website and donate copious amounts of money in my name. True story!

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