And My Boys Are Off To Round Three!

Day 110
So tonight the Canucks won game #6 of their second playoff round, eliminating the Nashville Predators ((I think everyone can agree that it is a mercy that Shea Weber can now shave off that horrible, horrible beard! His beard is so out of control, in fact, that it had its own Facebook page!)) and advancing to the third round for the first time in 17 years!!

I watched the game at my friend Lianna’s place and when I headed back home afterwards, I’d completely forgotten that 72nd and Scott Road is *the* place for Canucks fans in Surrey, so when I took the 72nd Ave exit off Hwy 91, it took me a minute to figure out why the heck traffic was at a standstill! And I inched forward along 72nd, waiting until I could get to a major street to take a detour, would you believe that my iPhone, which I was using to play music on shuffle, started playing Combat Baby? That is the truest of true stories, my friends. And I may, just may, have driven along my little detour with my window open, blaring Combat Baby and honking at all the other fans who were waving flags on the side of the road, or driving up and down the streets.

Go Canucks Go!

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