Because I know you’ve all been dying to know how many sex toys I sold

My Electronic Device Buying Party for Charity on Thursday was awesome! We had a great group who were not only tonnes of fun to check out sex toys with, but also to whom I managed to sell $1087.45 worth of sexy products and thus raised $217.49 towards my Longest Game of Hockey for Cystic Fibrosis fundraising! Part of that may have been due to my convincing a few people that they needed – NEEDED, I SAY! – to buy a We Vibe. Part of it may be due to the sales rep convincing a few people that they needed to buy this stuff that has pheromones in it so that people will be falling all over themselves to get with you ((There may also have been some discussions as to whether one could write off this product if they were a salesperson and it helped them sell stuff)). In fact, *you* should probably buy these two products too. If you get your order to my by the end of the weekend, I can add it to my total. I’m just sayin’.

Special thanks to Lianna for letting me have the party at her place and to Alicia for bringing delicious samosas and helping me set up and clean up!

Now all that’s left is to see what the Canucks roster looks like now that Unrestricted Free Agent Day is over so I know what my options are for naming my new purchases!

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  • Are there gay pheromone products? I know these were popular in the 90s.

    I love how you celebrate our nation’s 144th… By selling sex toys đŸ˜›


  • The rep said that the pheromone product was for both males and females and there was a token gay male at the party and he tried it out and was going out dancing afterwards to see if it worked. Which reminds me, Lianna was supposed to give me a full report on how that went!


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