Hockey Pool Week 4: Time To Clean House
I’ve been incredibly lazy in my hockey pool and haven’t changed my picks since the first week. And I’ve suffered the consequences, as I now sit in last place in my pool! *hangs head in shame*
So I decided that it was time to shake things up, which meant I had to actually look at my list and see who was underperforming and who I should replace them with, which, of course, meant I had to make a spreadsheet ((I do love a good spreadsheet.)). And after this in depth analysis, I made the following changes to my roster.
Kicked Off The Team
- Benoit Pouliot
- Dustin Brown ((Although Dustin actually has more points than Alex Burrows, who I’m keeping, Alex in my only Canuck.))
- Shea Weber
- Brent Seabrook
- Victor Hedman ((Probably the hottest guy on my team, but just not performing at the actual hockey playing part.))
- Carey Price
New Recruits
I should point out that I have adapted my definition of “hottie” for the purposes of this pool. If I can find just one photo of a player on the Internet in which they look hot, they now qualify as a hottie ((As opposed to my previous definition where they had to look hot in most of their photos on the Internet.)).

I scouted out Ryan as a hottie in my analysis of the new draftees earlier this year, and while I realize his good numbers have a lot to do with the hat trick he got against the Canucks, I decided to take a gamble on him that he’ll keep playing this well – and that he won’t get sent down to the minors for development.

Former Canuck. Current hottie.

Here’s hoping the new recruits bring me up from my sad little last place existence!
While I hate Souray with a passion that is only rivaled by my hatred of Pronger, there is no doubt he is hot. Especially if you can find some shirtless pics of him. But the more important question is why is Burrows your only Canuck??? You *have* seen the naked Kesler picture right? Or the one of him modelling his underwear line? Is that not hot enough for you???? Or did someone else take him and you aren’t allowed…I guess I don’t know the rules of your pool so shouldn’t jump to judge…
ps. RNH! RNH! RNH! wooooo go oilers!
Erm… isn’t Week 4 a little early to be abandoning the principles with which you started the season?
@Mel – Oh yes, I have seen the Kesler picture. And I really wanted to be able to pick “Ryan Kesler’s abs” as one of my hotties, but that doesn’t seem to be an option – you have to take all of Ryan Kesler, even his giant nose. Of course, his abs do more than make up for his nose, so perhaps I should add him to my roster next week.
@Cath – I wouldn’t say I’m *abandoning* my principles. I’m *adapting* them. =)
I guess Ryan Kesler’s Abs probably aren’t the best at stick handling anyways. But good to see Nuge got you a couple points yesterday đŸ™‚
Good ole Nuge. Such a cutie and appears to really know how to handle his stick!