Shoe Ban Loophole #2
As you know, I have banned myself from buying shoes in 2010. And, as you also know, I have acquired only two pair of shoes during this time: one pair of running shoes (which were considered, right from the time I installed the ban, an exception because having properly functioning running shoes when training for a half marathon is an important health and safety issue – thus, they are, for the purposes of the shoe ban, safety gear, not shoes) and one pair that was given to me by a coworker (and thus made it through the first shoe ban loophole – I didn’t actually *buy* those shoes and the shoe ban was specifically worded around me *buying* the shoes).
Well, today I was faced with a conundrum. I went out to the Sally Ann Thrift store in search of some needed items for the making of my Hallowe’en costume. And, the costume that I’m making requires platform shoes and the platform shoes that I currently possess in my shoe collection do not meet the technical specifications of my costume (I’d love to explain more, but I cannot give away the secret as to what my Hallowe’en costume will be. I will come back after Hallowe’en and update this posting to explain why my current platform heels are insufficient for said costume). So, I purchased this pair using the loophole that these are not shoes, they are components of my Hallowe’en costume. They are a pair of components for my Hallowe’en costume. That is my story and I am sticking to it!
I am in total agreement with you on this. Your feet have to be in character too.
Ooo…I love wedge shoes. They make me feel so European. Or like someone in the 1970s.
I can’t wait to hear about your costume.
Shoes off as soon as you enter the house, I’m afraid.
(JOKE! Shoes are OK in our house, especially at parties, and especially at Halloween. I’ve been to parties in shoes-off apartments and houses where people got really upset because their shoes were part of the costume!)
You had me scared for a minute there, Cath! lol!