You can’t spell “fundraising” without C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E

OK, maybe you can. But you shouldn’t, really.

As you know, I’m currently raising money for Cystic Fibrosis Canada as part of the Longest Game of Hockey for CF. (Speaking of which, have you donated yet?)

Well, in addition to asking all y’all to donate, my friend Kim, who has decided to join me in playing this crazy 10-day long hockey game, came up with the brilliant idea of making chocolates to sell as a fundraiser! But not just any kind of chocolates. Oh no, these are very special chocolates, as they are chocolates in the form of hockey sticks and pucks!

Since Kim and I will be staffing a booth at the Non-Profit Expo at the Northern Voice conference on Saturday, we figured that would be a good place to start selling such chocolates! And thus, on Sunday, we spent the afternoon making them!

We started out with 8 kgs of chocolate – some dark, some milk, and even some white ((Even though everyone knows that white chocolate is not really chocolate!)):


And not just any chocolate. Callebaut chocolate. Mmm, Calleabautlicious!


Look at how freaking creamy and delicious that looks when it’s melted down:


Next we poured it into the molds ((Special props to Erika and Paul, who brought these molds up for us from the US of A and made a special delivery right to my office! You guys rock!)):


And after some chillin’, we got these babies:


And then repeat that 64 times!

Here is just a part of what we ended up making (there were more in Kim’s downstairs freezer):


So, if you are going to be at the Northern Voice conference, be sure to stop by our booth and buy a chocolate hockey stick or ten!

If you aren’t going to be at Northern Voice, but you still want to buy a delicious chocolate hockey stick or puck (or ten), let me know. For a big enough donation, I’ll deliver them to you ((Within reason)).

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